Ideas for the PYA Quality Subcommittee Meeting of 13th February 2025
Meaning as defined by Paul Smith in document prepared for AGM 2025:
Worth, classy, excellence, high grade, of value, high calibre, distinctive, prize-worthy.
A quality marque awarded by PYA. A lot of people are saying this isn’t a good idea so it may be that we should drop it?
Educating members on creating a quality product - the craft of writing, proofing, editing, production and marketing.
Black – added by Jane
Red – Added/Amended by Pam
Blue -Added/Amended by Paul
I’ve included ideas taken from members who attended the AGM and hope that people in the Quality Sub Committee Group will add to these. Some of the headings below would also overlap and help us to address objectives in the other sub categories.
Produce A Beta reading scheme (already under discussion). Perhaps leading to a quality marque? Facilitate formation of informal groups?
Extend library of PYA ‘help’ documents on blog. (Also link to existing YouTube Channel). There could be a whole range of these e.g:
A Beta form/review sheet
A document about the pros and cons of self publishing (legwork already done)
A document about the pros and cons of social media (legwork already done)
A document about words to avoid when editing your writing (already shared by Paul)
How to use Canva…
Guidelines for illustrators
How to use hashtags…
How to attract influencers…
Guidelines for Social Media (including how to use #tags and attract influencers)
Please add to this list.
-Pros and cons of professional bodies that authors can join for support.
-Pointers to think of when self-publishing (e.g. like ISBN numbers, cover design etc.) I know it sounds basic, but I found help like that invaluable when I first joined the PYA and there are lots of authors out there who haven’t got the same level of experience that others have.
-Discussion document about the con-artists preying on self-publishing authors. (e.g. There are lots of people out there claiming to be professional editors and charging a fortune but how do we verify their qualifications?)
Talks by Industry Professionals* (e.g. ICT professionals, well known authors, editors, agents, illustrators, marketing specialists etc). We would need to research, make a list, invite and possibly PAY A FEE (at cost) for them.
• Also utilise our OWN experts. Ask PYA members to list and share their skills.
Add to existing stock of PYA Presentation & Marketing Materials.
Add to our online brochure/compile a catalogue of titles (as before).
Find additional quality venues for authors to showcase and sell their books.
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