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Notes from PYA's AGM of 22nd March 2023 (Updated)

Chairman's and Finance Report

Paul Smith, Chair of PYA, outlined his Chairman's and Finance report (available from this blog) and added recent additions to report, plus the following actions were agreed:

  • PYA has been asked to perform at the Knaresborough Arts Festival (FEVA) on Wednesday 16th August at 7pm in the library. We'll do a smaller version of what we did at the Ilkley Literature Festival in 2022 (see our YouTube channel - opens in a new window).
  • The loans outstanding to committee members will be paid - John Jackson £59, Jane Clack £166.94 and Paul Smith £206.26. PYA will then have current assets of £536 and no debtors.
  • John Jackson resigned as Vice Chair but will remain on the committee. John has been a stalwart of PYA since its formation and the committee thanked him for his invaluable support. His role will be shared between Linda Jones and Jane Clack.
  • Paul Smith was re-elected as Chair.
  • Donations are always welcome to PYA and it was agreed that no membership fees will be charged for the foreseeable future and that events proposed will need to be self financing. To donate please use this link (opens in a new window).
  • The committee and its advisors comprise - new committee members and advisors to the committee always welcome.
    • Appointed Committee Members
      • Jane Clack (Vice Chair)
      • Ros Kind
      • Linda Jones (Vice Chair)
      • Paul Smith (Chair, Treasurer)
      • Kate Swann
    • Advisors to the Committee
      • Phill Featherstone
      • Pam Golden
      • Gabriella Gordon (contributing again during 2023)
      • John Jackson
      • Helen Johnson
      • Stuart Larner
      • Susanna Lewis
      • Heike Phelan
  • We should aim for a few more face-to-face events during 2023.

 South Yorkshire Group

The creation of a South Yorkshire group was discussed and Phill Featherstone will progress this with contacts he's made in the area. We discussed that PYA is not an exclusive organisation and will work with established groups to promote Yorkshire writers - like we have with Thirsk Write Now.

West Yorkshire Group

The creation of a West Yorkshire Group is in its early stages and Darren Walker and Linda Jones will progress its formation. We were reminded that Bradford and Holmfirth have a strong writer presence and that Bradford has been nominated as the City of Culture.

East Yorkshire Group

Stuart Larner agreed to examine the feasibility of creating an East Yorkshire PYA Group.





The Children's Author Group meeting of 23rd March recapped on the previous sessions where we discussed preparing a manuscript for publishing.

The slides for the meeting are available from Wise Grey Owl's website (opens in a new window).



Chapter headings.

To ensure each chapter begins in a new section.
In word – tap on LAYOUT this gives you three choices – Breaks, Line numbers or Hyphenation – click on Breaks. A list appears – To end a chapter ALWAYS choose next page under section break, NOT page at the top of the list.

To add a heading for each new Chapter.
On the ribbon are small boxes containing choices of headings. They are usually headed – Normal – no space - Chapter Heading - Heading 1 etc.
I’m choosing Chapter Heading. At the top of my new page I type

Chapter One

As you can see it’s currently on the left and looks like my normal script.
All I have to do to create the heading style is put my cursor beside the letter C and click on the box that says Chapter heading… and this is what happens

Chapter One

The long road to nowhere… A strange sign to find at a crossroads. Someone’s idea of a joke I suppose…

How to change the spaces before and after the words Chapter One.
Right click on the box headed Chapter Heading - and click on Modify. Here you will find options to change the font and style of the heading. Everything you set here will be applied to all Chapter headings. I tend to use Arial for the heading usually Italic. The font size – make it larger than the font you use for the main body of the book; 14 or 15 and remember to centre the heading.

Move down to the bottom of the box and click on format.
This takes you through to another list where you choose – paragraph.
Remember – this will only change the setting to your chapter headings, not your main body of work.  Choose the following.

  • Alignment – Centred
  • Outline -   Body of text
  • Indents – leave at 0              Special – leave blank
  • Mirror indents – leave blank
  • Spacing before -12
  • Spacing after -  24  

Tick the box - No spaces between paragraphs

Leave line spacing as single.
These spacing sizes are a moveable feast depending on your preferred style. Some authors like to make a statement by starting halfway down a page.
Once you have made the changes and are happy, click okay. If you decide to change anything about your Chapter heading, remember to use Modify in the box on the ribbon, NOT anywhere else at it messes up the formatting of the document.

If you use the above to form your Chapter headings it has the bonus of adding the names/page numbers directly to your list of contents… A subject for another day.

Have fun.