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PYA Book Fair, Harrogate Victoria Shopping Centre, May 14th

Jane (Organiser), Neelie and Paul Smith have been discussing the shape of the Book Fair proposed for Harrogate's Victoria Shopping Centre on May 14th with the organiser Molly Orviss from BeWonder.

We're delighted to be able to tell our members that we've been offered 6 x 6ft tables on the ground floor with a good footfall and are seeking to arrange a schedule of story-time sessions in collaboration with WH Smith which is close by to where the Book Fair will be held.

We've decided to focus on Children's and Young Adult Books for the event and will finalise the logistics during the coming weeks - Jane will be in touch if you've expressed an interest - but our initial thoughts are:
  • We'll arrange the tables by age group (not author) with picture books at one end and YA at the other with illustrated older children's novels and non-illustrated ones in between.
  • Participating members will be responsible for pricing their books, delivery to site at the start of the day and removal at the end. If you can't attend, we'll be happy to try to sell your books on the day but you'll need to arrange to drop them off and pick them up on the day.
  • The tables will be staffed all day and we'll need to establish a rota but members will sell books from all participating members, not only their own.
  • We'll create a method for ensuring that a sale is allocated to the correct member and will offer payment by card in addition to cash - to be finalised.
  • We're seeking participating members to do the story-time sessions within WH Smith to a schedule - different members at different times of the day.
If you're a Children's Author and you haven't registered an interest yet please let us know.

We've had much interest in the Book Fair event and wanted to do a practice run first before committing to a second event in October - ready for Christmas - at a bigger venue with more genres on sale but organised in a similar way. If you're interested in this, please let us know.

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